
Showing posts from April, 2018

Life Is...

Title Sequence Little longer than 30-40 second but all images are my own. It might seem like a series of  random pieces of imagery entering and leaving the screen, but there is a method to the madness (soon to be explained by a madman). That is if anyone ever reads what people write on these blogs. The idea for the selection of selected images was inspired by hearing  At the Zoo by Simon and Garfunkel. Thought provoking verses like,  The monkeys stand for honesty Giraffes are insincere And the elephants are kindly, but they’re dumb Orangutans are skeptical Of changes in their cages And the zookeeper is very fond of rum Zebras are reactionaries, Antelopes are missionaries Pigeons plot in secrecy And hamsters turn on frequently gave rise to a search through several years worth of images for zoo pictures and other odd things I might have on my hard drive. The fusion of the plants, animals and other things which are nouns were inspired by hearing the music of David Bowie.