Since this is MOTION Graphics...

...Let's talk about Vertigo.
I am willing to bet a lot of people will end up doing Vertigo, but how many people already have a Saul Bass / Hitchcock inspired downloaded font on their computer already?
The title and credits use a mixture of Slab Serif / Sans Serif for main information and minor, respectively.
The facial imagery and sepatone invokes a suspicious atmosphere. The shift to red suggests something dark occurs in the film (like murder) and the spiral, akin to a storm, coming from the eye suggests inner drama or torment. Unlike North by Northwest's credits no outside images are included (just the face, the spirals and hypotrochoid shapes) so the focus will be on the people rather than location. Of course my impressions might be impacted by the fact I've seen the film a just a FEW times.


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